A note on "OM"

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A note on "OM"

Om is the name of God/the universe/all of creation according to the ancient Indian Hindu texts known as the Upanishads.  As the story goes, Brahman (absolute reality/God) was one and non-dual.  Brahman thought, "I am only one - may I become many."  This caused a vibration which eventually became sound.  This sound was OM.  Thus, OM is the closest vibration/sound that we can get to God. In Sanskrit, OM translates to avati or Rakuati which means, "The one who protects or sustains."  In essence: God. So, OM is both a name for God and a sound that can be chanted...

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Kodo's first book on Buddhist meditation and prayer is available online!

Buddhism god how to how to meditate kodoan meditation zen

Kodo's first book on Buddhist meditation and prayer is available online!

Kodo san's first book on Buddhist meditation and prayer is available online!

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