THE KODO BLOG — redman training

Broke his hand

defensive tactics kodoan martial arts redman redman training

Broke his hand

Awara is 6'4" and about 360 lbs when he went up against the redman.  I told everyone - NO PUNCHES!  OPEN HAND STRIKES ONLY!!!  Awara did not listen.  He broke the knuckle of his right hand index finger.

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Red Man training!

kodoan martial arts redman redman training

Red Man training!

When I was an Officer at L.A. COUNTY METRO, we had great training.  I was digging through some old pics and found these.  The first is of my partner and I going into full-contact "redman" scenario training.  Alot of the officers were frightened by this - they were told that Redman scenario training teaches you how to respond when "you're losing a fight".  They would PT the hell out of us until we were gassed out - then have us take on the biggest guy they could cram into the "redman" armor.  I was smiling the whole time - some...

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